The Mauthe Story
Building on a rich tradition of more than 50 years, the Mauthe Center creates community conversation and interfaith connection. As an independent nonprofit on the campus of the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, the Mauthe cultivates mutual respect, public understanding, and civic engagement among UWGB students and the broader community.

The Center began to take shape at the same time as the UWGB campus itself. In the early 1960’s, Fr. Richard Mauthe was tasked with the establishment of a Newman Center that would serve the University of Wisconsin Extension in Green Bay, providing a gathering place for Catholic students and others to meet, exchange ideas and grow in spirituality. Within a decade, the Newman Center had evolved into an Ecumenical Center, reflecting Fr. Mauthe’s desire to collaborate with people of good will from all communities of faith. In 1981, through a grant from the Byron L. Walter Family Trust and other gifts, the Ecumenical Center broke ground on its current building on Leon Bond Drive.
To see how we cultivate this spirit of respect, visit our Events page, which contains highlights and videos of past events together along with information about upcoming opportunities for engagement. For more on the history and traditions of the Mauthe Center, stop by for a copy of Fr. Mauthe's memoir, Once in Love, Always in Love, written with Adi Redzic.