Voting Information
“The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democracy.” — John Lewis
At the Mauthe Center, we strive for the flourishing of individuals and communities through programs that are fair, well-informed, respectful, kind, inviting, thoughtful, rights-oriented, values-driven, and problem-solving. We do not promote political parties or candidates, but we do encourage the democratic values of mutual respect and individual participation. Our support for religious freedom means that we also support religious pluralism in society and interfaith understanding in practice—individuals and congregations with different beliefs must be able to live and work alongside each other in peaceful cooperation.
In that spirit, we are providing clear information here about participation in what John Lewis called our democracy's "most powerful non-violent tool" — voting. Supporting one another's right to vote respects one another's voice in the community we seek to build together.
The 2024 General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
To be eligible to vote in an election, one must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age on or before Election Day, and registered to vote (see below).
To be eligible to vote in Wisconsin, you must also have resided in Wisconsin for at least 28 consecutive days before the election. Living in Wisconsin while attending university fulfills this residential requirement, regardless of whether a student is living on or off campus.
Registering to Vote in Wisconsin
Option 1: Online Voter Registration for Wisconsin residents
Go to myvote.wi.gov and follow the instructions. In order to register online, you’ll need to have a Wisconsin Driver’s License or Wisconsin State ID with your current address. This option is only available up to 20 days before the election. After that, see option 2.
Option 2: Register by submitting a form to the City Clerk
If you don’t have a Wisconsin State ID or Driver’s License with your current address, you’ll need to register by submitting a form and proof of residence to the City Clerk. Find your Clerk's address at myvote.wi.gov. You can do this up to 20 days before Election Day. Up until the Friday before Election Day, you can register in your Clerk’s office.
Option 3: Registration at the polling place on Election Day
Wisconsin is one of the few states that allows eligible citizens to register at the polling place on Election Day. You will need to bring a proof of residence that shows your name and current address. See the Wisconsin Elections Commission website for more information: ​​https://elections.wi.gov/Register#230548828-870893236
Anyone choosing to register and vote in person on Election Day must also bring a photo ID that meets state requirements.
Registering to Vote in Another State
If you plan to vote somewhere other than in Wisconsin, check with your state or local election office to confirm your registration, using your permanent home address. Get more information on your state here: https://campusvoteproject.org/state-student-voting-guides/.
Where do I Vote?
Wisconsin voters planning to vote on Election Day can find their polling place quickly at myvote.wi.gov. Other options explained on the site include voting absentee by mail, or voting absentee in person (sometimes described as “early voting”). Be sure to bring with you a photo ID that meets state requirements.
Those who are voting in other states can find similar information by starting here: https://campusvoteproject.org/state-student-voting-guides/.
Additional Information